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Court Enforcement Services

Court Enforcement Services

Since the introduction of the Taking Control of Goods Regulations in 2014, Court Enforcement Services has recovered over £200,000,000.00 on behalf of our Clients and Claimants, enforcing over 150,000 Writs of Control. We provide a wide range of legal, debt recovery and credit professionals, with a fast and free administration service to transfer up unpaid money judgments to the High Court for enforcement.

Our service is built on trust and dedication to professionalism, whilst maintaining a client-focused vision of maximising a result on every instruction received. We pride ourselves on being approachable and assign a dedicated Account Manager to every new client into the business. This is why we’re recognised for our unparalleled commitment to client care, focusing on what you require from a provider from the outset and tailoring our enforcement solutions to fit your needs.

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